Tuesday, 30 January 2024

There's been a miscarriage of justice.
Not some-one wrongly convicted
but some-one wrongfully punished -
not enough for the harm he inflicted.
Another Friday, rain pouring down;
another night in this seaside town
immersed in the usual disco pub
and overwhelmed by this musical hub.

I'm bathing in beer and beautiful women
while soaking in cider with others swimming
against the sad tide with our unlucky looks,
seeking romance outside our books.

I'm drowning in the depths of cleavage,
only saved by the jetsam waistage
floating free from the fishing smacks
till washed ashore on bare white backs.

I struggle to stay afloat all evening
till the lights go up and it's time for leaving.
I really need a personal lifeguard
to stop me pretending to be a ba(sta)rd.

Tuesday, 23 January 2024

While driving along the dual carriageway
I passed a lady in the cycle lane
whose bike had a loaded luggage rack in front
and panniers full both sides of her rear wheel.
Behind her back were two small children
in tandem. Amazed by the unexpected sight
I braked in awe of her overtaking men.
And then she rode through the red traffic light !
(stopping would need such an effort to start again ?)

Wednesday, 17 January 2024

Tweets 17

Hoping to stay together through many years
companionship's worth more than sex.
I value what's between your ears
more than what's between your legs.

Days of wet, days of snow,
stuck indoors, nowhere to go,
dreams of sunshine, beaches, sea -
time enough, for now TV.

Such atrocious acts that hate arouses.
'A plague on both your houses.'

Between the weakened peaks
weakly stretches the desert.

If men can have orgasms, so should women.
If boys can be boys, so should girls.

The winter warmth of bedclothes cedes
to the heat of summer sun.
As the welcome warmth of friendship burns
when love has again begun.

When you're old, an ounce of youth
is worth a ton of wisdom.

Writers embellish ordinary -
gild the daisy.

Is it just my male viewpoint
makes old women seem
so much older than their youth
than old men do theirs.

           LIGHT  MY  FIRE
A crush is the flashy flare of kindling.
Love is coal that catches.

The downside of intelligence is boredom;
that of self-consciousness, egotism

Tuesday, 2 January 2024

A distant romance

Sometimes at the Friday disco
I really like just sitting and watching,
with a pint of cider and a bar of chocolate,
the same attractive lady dancing.

Without a partner, of either sex,
just on her own she brings to life
the music's rhythm able to flex
her presence into sensuous sight.

I like her voluptuous body swaying,
the concentration on her face,
the sinuous angling of her hips
that pulses beauty into space.

She never seems to notice me
although she cannot help but know
that I'm there watching her again.
We certainly never meet eye to eye.

But I think she likes my admiration
restrained by my propriety
so disco evenings we enjoy
each other's stand off company.

And that's as far as it goes.

Saturday, 30 December 2023

Perhaps a stumble, some minor slip,
the slightest fumble or loss of grip,
something slippery or too well polished -
whatever I'm holding crashes to ground.
I'm well aware it can't be abolished
but will some-one please turn the gravity down ?

Thursday, 28 December 2023

Though ordinary, no kind of heart-throb,
when young a romance was always possible.
It's only now when I'm old and odd
that I feel for those whose lacks are visible.

The horror on the young woman's face
on my asking her to dance with me
certainly put me in my place
as a now impossible partner-to-be.

So late but since I've come to know
the sapping of confidence by rejection,
it's sad of course but much less so
than the plight of the unattractive young.