Monday, 28 November 2022

Car driver's gripe

I do empathise with cyclists when
their aim is to cut our air pollution
but if I'm driving a country lane
they are a cause of much frustration.

And it's always annoying at having to crawl
behind one going uphill at no speed
but it's just the last straw to trail after
one taking his dog for a walk on the lead !

Saturday, 26 November 2022

Beach Boy ?

There's one little fellow goes to my gym
who might be even older than me !
Certainly he's more frail, him,
and I was astonished later to see

that when we both left the gym together
and I drove away in my cheap old car,
he drove his red two seater sports car -
no John B sloop but a little deuce coupe !

Wednesday, 23 November 2022


Butterfly bush living up to its name
lured by sunshine various came -
small tortoiseshell, whites, a peacock or two,
red admirals mainly, more than a few.

Sunday, 6 November 2022

How is it that so much of British culture
has recently become so juvenile ?
Besides the soaps and TV game shows
why are adults reading Harry Potter,
playing and comparing video games,
following proliferating superheroes
and indulging in alien fantasies -
while the juveniles watch pornography ?

Friday, 28 October 2022

Tweets 10

So kind, polite, so very thoughtful
stopping to let the side car in,
failing to check the rearview mirror
for how many cars she's delaying.

Tired ?
I go to the gym although lethargic
'cause afterwards fatigue's electric.

As I get older and older
I seem to care less and less
about ever more and more.

Of course we're all fed up with winter -
even the clouds are heading south.

Not embarrassed, not ashamed,
standing naked, beautiful.

Knowing they're out of reach though entrancing
I gaze at youth and beauty dancing.
Still I also know when push comes to shove
I can always buy sex. But where to buy love ?

Saturday, 22 October 2022

Overland camping group

The semi-circle of camping chairs
focusses on the cooking food
(more tuna and stir fry cabbages)
but also keeps attention glued
on the group itself and avoids the stares
of the gathering local 'savages'.

Like a circle of covered wagons from
the wild west of the USA
the defensive wall keeps the enemy out
and allows us not to give away
food we don't want or lose aplomb
if someone challenges with a shout.

Our culture encourages selfishness
and makes us inhospitable.
Perhaps if we faced outwards instead
we'd find the poor more pitiable
and see spoiled self-indulgence less
important than them being better fed.

Friday, 16 September 2022

We had a date. She wasn't on time.
I waited an hour. She didn't come.
I felt a fool but it's not a crime
and after a year an hour's not long.