Wednesday, 17 February 2021

We think we know how to do things
having done it that way for years
(and getting it right to the letter)
but always there are other ways
(and some of them might be better).

Wednesday, 10 February 2021

My God, she stunned in her white bikini
glowing against her deep tanned body
( although it might have been better hinted
than having a smudge of pubic hair printed )
( and embroidered nipples aren't quite seemly)
and then I realised That's not a bikini.

Monday, 8 February 2021

The advantage of winter is spring

when resurgence of life in a trillion trees

starts to net the empowering sun.

All the flowers and leaves that unfold

provide insects and cover to make the birds sing

and the nectar to fatten the bees.

The new cycle of nature begun,

even mammals and men must respond to the hold

of the temperate seasonal swing

from dejection when cold winters freeze

to the hope and the plans that soar up with the sun

making summer green worth more than gold.

Sunday, 31 January 2021


 It's an achievement

just getting through another day

but then this is my only life

just leaking away.

Wednesday, 27 January 2021


A driftwood log far out from shore,
a landgrown thing now lost at sea
as helpless out of element
as you make me.

With others I can chat and joke;
with you I don't know what to say.
The words won't come because you take
my breath away.

So now I wallow in the waves,
floundering where the currents flow
and drift uncaring in these seas
I do not know.

Sunday, 24 January 2021

It's not just climate change that we're at war with;

there's so much plastic in the sea'

so many species threatened with extinction

and all because of our fecundity.

We have so many problems to do more with;

no use relying on technology.

It's not enough to save this ailing Earth with -

replacing gas with electricity.

There's only one thing we can still be sure with;

the rest is almost triviality.

It's overpopulation is the problem -

reducing too many people is the key.

Men in shorts

A man in shorts shows summer sense,
gains vitamin D in keeping cool
but men in shorts still in the winter
perhaps lack trousers, train as sprinter
or else just think they're looking cool
when really they lack common sense.