Not voyeur but auditeur -
embarrassing noises heard from on high -
the moans and groans from the planes in the sky.
She always turns her nose up at me
but I wish she would turn her toes up at me.
The struggle for freedom is not between
capitalism and communism
but dictators and democracy
with reasons enough for pessimism.
"may I feel ?" said he (apologies to e e cummings)
She who lets me
fuck her gets me
The recent week's warm weather seems
to have hatched the eggs of house and fruit fly.
So one part of Nature deceived another
for the coming cold weather will soon make them die.
Weather Warning !
Winter is coming - the Great Britain depression.
I didn't, couldn't choose
when to be born
but I shouldn't be unable to choose
when to die.
"OK" she said "What time would you like?"
"Whenever you can fit me in"
She didn't react. She'd heard the joke
a million times before.