Tuesday, 16 April 2024

She looked above at the starry sky
and stretched her little arms up high
but disappointment creased her face
and grasping hands fell back in place.
Perhaps it looked like a bright balloon -
just two and reaching for the moon.
If only life were like the stories
instead of the way it usually sucks;
if ugly ducklings always turned swans
instead of becoming ugly ducks.

Free the children

How dare they imprison such young children
scarring their growing minds for life
warping their forming personalities
cursing their psyches with unsort strife !

Surely they must see what they're doing
in so many household nursery dens.
We can't any longer turn a blind eye.
We must ban imprisoning cots and playpens.

Tuesday, 9 April 2024

Eve and Adam

So far, so good, said almighty God,
all previous plans rejected !
My latest design seems just about right.
and the prototype works as expected:
eggs from ovaries, tubes to uterus,
human conception via vagina.
Necessary internal nourishment
fully solved by the use of placenta.
I think I'm really on the last lap
except for problems like monthly bleeding
and birthing through such a narrow gap.
But with two external breasts for feeding
I feel it's almost time for a nap.
All I need now is some sort of sperm bank.
I think I'll invent a Man.

Sunday, 7 April 2024

Smoking ban

People used to start smoking
when they were young, to look older
and when they were older, to pass the time.
Neither reason is needed now
with all our smart phones always on-line.

Monday, 1 April 2024

Tweets 18

Not voyeur but auditeur -
embarrassing noises heard from on high -
the moans and groans from the planes in the sky.

She always turns her nose up at me
but I wish she would turn her toes up at me.

The struggle for freedom is not between
capitalism and communism
but dictators and democracy
with reasons enough for pessimism.

"may I feel ?" said he (apologies to e e cummings)
She who lets me
fuck her gets me

The recent week's warm weather seems
to have hatched the eggs of house and fruit fly.
So one part of Nature deceived another
for the coming cold weather will soon make them die.

Weather  Warning !
Winter is coming - the Great Britain depression.

I didn't, couldn't choose
when to be born
but I shouldn't be unable to choose
when to die.

"OK" she said "What time would you like?"
"Whenever you can fit me in"
She didn't react. She'd heard the joke
a million times before.

Sunday, 31 March 2024

Two young women at a weekend disco
together but different as chalk and cheese;
both mesmerising in their own ways
and always a sight to please.

One nubile, dancing on her own,
her rhythmic swaying sexually flaunted;
the other immobile, always seated
and somehow seemingly haunted.

Despite repeated appearances
unlikely friends an observer thinks -
mythology personified
as modern day siren and sphinx.