Sunday, 10 December 2023

Self awareness

One devastating drawback of intelligence 
is self awareness of our own inadequacies.
Unless we make world champion in this or that
or grab some fame for something praiseworthy,
we'll sometimes be confronted by the queasy feeling
of not being quite as great as we would like to be.

Physical appearance often gives concern
and different people deal with it in different ways.
Women can use make-up, beauty treatment, clothes
but my heart bleeds for those doomed ugly all their days.

Men can use their skill at sport to boost their ego
or manufacture macho sporting their tatoos.
Wealth and power don't fear inferiority
though insecurity may haunt what they might lose.

As for the young of either sex there's time enough
for optimistic hope to rectify their woes
and always possible partners helping overcome
or overlook their problems as time goes.

But it's the old where self-awareness strikes the hardest,
when failing powers can't help but tell that all's not well.
Then weaknesses must be acknowledged gracefully
but after all that time  -  so what the hell  !

Saturday, 9 December 2023

What would I give for you atop my lap ?

Though dead for many years you're not forgotten.
I use your birthdate as numeric password
so every time that I set up my laptop
I think of you and miss you something rotten


'Turn the other cheek' is bad advice
to those who value safety in society,
a view of human nature too naive
in thinking mercy, lack of punishment,
will cause offenders to improve behaviour.
It seems to me more likely to encourage
more occasions of the same offence
when punishment's less likely than before -
criminality with impunity.
Hammurabi ruled millenia ago
and gave more sensible advice and laws.
Although too keen on killing for minor crimes,
his rule for murder was just 'a life for a life'.
It's a pity the Jewish madman's influence
has softened Hammurabi's justice.

Tweets 16

People unhappy with themselves
are often angry with others.

I despair that so many people enjoy
TV programmes of murder and war.

The many problems mankind creates
will never be solved since selfishness,
personal greed and desire for status
outweigh its empathy, love and kindness.

Women can wear whatever they like
in the way of patterns and colour.
But men self restrict to single shades
and the better the darker and duller.

Gardening is a bit like gambling;
it might come good or it might not.
But the joy of gardening is stronger
since expectation and hope last longer.

There are too many minutes in the day
and the hours take so long to slide away
that morning, afternoon and evening keep
delaying me from getting back to sleep.

It's no use. You're just too old.
There isn't any sexual hunger.
Alright, I know. But how about
I promise to get younger ?

Friday, 8 December 2023


Approaching the seaside town from the landside,
looking down from surrounding hills,
the sea beyond the city rose
above it like a clash of wills.

Threatening like cold grey steel,
a seemingly vertical water wall
made the puny houses cower
waiting for the flood to fall.

Older than the land, implacable,
asserting superiority
the ocean held itself in check
waiting opportunity.

But as I descended to the streets,
the people swam around like fishes,
the sea subsided and everywhere
the town resounded with good wishes.

Thursday, 7 December 2023

The Paste Land

April's not the cruellist month
but perhaps the most hopeful of the year.
A layer of snow is not a warm blanket
for tubers that die when winter's severe.

It seems the banker is not a gardener
or even a proper poet at first,
more of an urban sermoniser
whose bleak dystopian images burst

upon a literary audience
romanticised for generations
by flowery verbiage so dense
it did indeed need pruning stations.

He led us all up the garden path
dispensing with the use of rhyme
in favour of the ice cold bath
of incongruous images all the time. 


I have a high regard for women
as usually morally better than men,
more civilised and sympathetic,
more sinned against than sinning.

I always try to be polite
and wouldn't harm them for my life
but now no longer with a wife
why do abusive images excite ?