Sad but true.
Personality and character do not infatuate.
Looks do.
Not rocking robin but hopping robin !
Always on the lookout for grub,
concentrating, arms akimbo,
jumping two footed from tub to tub.
Snow in May there lying on the ground ?
No, just apple blossom fallen thick around.
Earth's ills
The problem is not just pollution,
and climate change; it's population.
I keep waking up.
God! When will it stop?
Enjoyment accompanies events;
satisfaction lingers longer.
It's much like dermatitis hatching,
the masochistic pain of itching,
the knowingly harmful joy of scratching -
young women in the disco - leching !
If, like the Chinese, we had an almanac,
this year would be The Year Of The Slug.