Wednesday, 7 June 2023

Dating ?

Regular visitors to my garden
when the sun shines between the showers,
a pair of wood pigeons forage together
searching for food among the flowers.

It makes me wonder what's their connection.
Just the two of them, never with others.
Possibly an old married couple?
Or family bonded, sisters, brothers?

Or perhaps the start of a new relation?
As so often seen together lends
credence to speculation whether
it's a new romance or just good friends.

Tuesday, 6 June 2023

Though sexes attract
the contact is fraught;
the act is the fact
but the thrill is the thought,

Monday, 15 May 2023


Sad but true.
Personality and character do not infatuate.
Looks do.

Not rocking robin but hopping robin !
Always on the lookout for grub,
concentrating, arms akimbo,
jumping two footed from tub to tub.

Snow in May there lying on the ground ?
No, just apple blossom fallen thick around.

Earth's ills
The problem is not just pollution,
and climate change; it's population.

I keep waking up.
God! When will it stop?

Enjoyment accompanies events;
satisfaction lingers longer.

It's much like dermatitis hatching,
the masochistic pain of itching,
the knowingly harmful joy of scratching -
young women in the disco - leching !

If, like the Chinese, we had an almanac,
this year would be The Year Of The Slug.

Saturday, 13 May 2023

The long delayed springtime explosion
bursting a universe of leaves
clouds the sky with constellations
which the summer solar breeze
automatically weaves
into the swirling textures of trees.

Saturday, 22 April 2023

Modern gardening

Not long ago the tools of the trade
were trowel, hoe, fork and spade.
But now, as if by TV law,
it's hammer and nails, drill and saw.

Monday, 17 April 2023

A disappointing evening

The singer climbed on top of the amps;
the male bass guitarist wore a dress.
Such circus antics more than hint
their music won't impress.
driving home pop music playing
country lanes at 1 a.m.
nearside verge a hedgehog crossing
used to have them in my garden
not for years now take it with me
passed it damn reversed pell mell
but the grass too dark to see -
good luck hedgehog wish you well