Monday, 17 April 2023

driving home pop music playing
country lanes at 1 a.m.
nearside verge a hedgehog crossing
used to have them in my garden
not for years now take it with me
passed it damn reversed pell mell
but the grass too dark to see -
good luck hedgehog wish you well

Thursday, 30 March 2023

With caviar and champagne we taste the expense.
With Porsche and Ferrari we drive the image.
With sand, sea and palm trees we dream the escape.
With flat white and latte we feel the relax.
With soaps and commedies we make time pass.
But with partner and children we surely live life.

Tuesday, 21 March 2023

Tweets 13

The children watch cartoons in vivid colour
but only understand in black and white.

Not so common - illusions like these
where the lake water seems to dip down to the trees.

The backwards baseball cap makes you no fool
but doesn't keep your sweaty forehead cool.

She's at school now so knows not everything's fun
and sometimes there's chores that just have to be done.

The crashing waves on the speedboat's hull
pounded a hip hop rhythm (just as dull).

"  .  .  . would the Lord the giftie gie us
to see ourselves as others see us"  R. Burns
He did. On social media.

If you can't do it, you just can't do it.
That's really all there is to it.

PANAMA via Sally
A remarkable feat of organisation
amply deserving congratulation.

So many hill peaks drenched in vegetation,
layered with trees and littered with life.

So many boozy drinks are sour
and the supping of them darkly dour
I prefer to remember my strawberry cider
and the tongue rolling taste of Tia Maria.

See, talk, touch, kiss, hold, feel, penetrate.

There's no need to feel depressed;
there can be rainbows in the depths.

The nights of masturbation are past
but those of fantasy are not outcast.

Wednesday, 15 March 2023

Why is it we all accept the wrong part ?
Love is in the brain not in the heart.
And sex is more about emotion
than any length of time in coital friction.

Sunday, 26 February 2023

Allotments in winter

Why cover the soil with plastic sheeting?
To keep the seeds warm when it's sleeting?
They wouldn't grow all the while it's cold.
They need the spring sunshine to make them unfold.
And then, when you take the sheeting away
your new pampered crop of weeds can display.

Wednesday, 22 February 2023

I don't see well;
I don't hear well;
my teeth are crumbling fast.
My skin is tissue,
old age the issue -
I think good times are past.

Friday, 10 February 2023

A different recycling

At the council tip it's astonishing
to observe the things that are thrown away.
It's as if a crack or a tiny tear
makes an object somehow beyond repair.
So I rescue stuff (more than I ought)
and leave with more junk than I brought.