Thursday, 2 June 2022


I like to hear the cheep of a sparrow,
the cheerful trill of a robin.
I enjoy the warble of a blackbird,
the echo of a songthrush.
I now miss the twitter of a skylark
and I've never heard a nightingale.
But it's all just pleasant British birdsong,
less than human musical feats,
and exaggeration is surely wrong
as done by Shelley and Keats.

Monday, 30 May 2022

A different sort of war

This is not Ukraine, the Yemen, World War Three
but nonetheless millions fighting for their lives.
Not really some conventional struggle to be free
but a war of attrition fought by husbands and wives.
No advances, just rearguard action to retain territory
with forces continually degraded by the enemy.
Eventual defeat is certain; useless to rage.
This is the war that no-one wins - old age.
Hung higher than any other works of art
and on display in daylight every day
they calmly soothe and lift the troubled heart
but often are ignored by busy crowds -
the amazing everchanging artwork of the clouds.

Sunday, 22 May 2022

 Some papers try to get our attention
with headlines addressing our worries
about our ageing health that mention
all kinds of scary medical flurries

of news about the latest findings
that play upon our fears for the future:
arthritis, heart attacks, dementia
and the dreaded Big C - cancer.

So pity the harrassed poor sub-editor
who has to come up with something catchy
to grab the interest of the reader
and please a boss who's probably tetchy.

One day the headline to cap them all
I'm sure will happen by and by
in letters several inches tall -

Sunday, 1 May 2022

Heaven was a very tempting idea
to raise the dead in some sort of form.
Hell was invented to instill fear
and make the living conform.

Monday, 18 April 2022


If ever any beauty I did see
which I desired but didn't get, it's usually
because she's quite a few decades too young for me.

Thursday, 14 April 2022

The times thay aren't a-changing

"bread and cicuses" used to please the population
so human nature hasn't changed except in expectation
of over-priced takeaway pizza in place of bread
and 24/7 TV for the almost brain dead.