Friday, 11 March 2022

 My house is full of embarrassing failures -
instruments I never learned to play,
seeds that failed to germinate,
books bought but not read,
plants that died
and me.

Monday, 28 February 2022


Another Friday, rain pouring down,
another night in this seaside town
immersed in the usual disco pub
and overwhelmed by this musical hub.

I'm bathing in ber and beautiful women
while soaking in cider with others swimming
against the sad tide with our unlucky looks
seeking romance outside our books.

I'm drowning in the depths of cleavage,
only saved by the jetsam waistage
floating free from the fishing smacks
till washed ashore on bare white backs.

I struggle to stay afloat all evening
till the lights go up and it's time for leaving.
I really need a personal lifeguard
to take in hand this ageing ba(sta)rd.

Saturday, 19 February 2022

The kites are winging
robins singing
tadpoles swimming
daylight clinging
great tits' mating calls are ringing

The clouds are thinning
sunshine winning
faces grinning
coats off flinging
goodbye Winter, Spring is springing

Sunday, 30 January 2022


Not such a clever man our Vladimir
thinking to get his way by threats and fear
instead of making the world appreciate
his just concern about the future state
of Russia's national security
if Ukraine allows American weaponry
to be installed up to the vey border
of his country. Out of order !
Time will tell he chose the wrong course.
Should have mobilised world opinion
instead of military force.
It's strange how cats like walking on
freshly raked soil
much as children like treading on
crumbly new molehills.

But the difference surely is that a cat
doesn't want to spoil
what's underfoot in order to get
a sense of power that thrills.


Non-gardeners think that gardening's
all about sowing and planting things
whereas the battle hardened know
that's just a skirmish to make things grow.
Real action comes later with marauding thugs -
rampant weeds and ravenous slugs.

Sunday, 2 January 2022

Things that flow give pleasure in the flowing -
rivers, summer clouds, ice dancers.
Things that show give pleasure in the showing -
flowers, autumn trees, beauty.
Things that grow give pleasure in the growing -
plants, animals, children.