Thursday, 21 October 2021

We see and hear and read so much
about our environmental problems
but still ignore the elephant in the room.

We know so much about global warming,
air pollution, species extinction,
plastics in the sea - predictions of doom.

Yet still the tusker is unrecognised
in our worries about our ailing Earth
while we search for cures amid prevailing gloom.

But is it ours, this jewel of Earth?
For sure, humanity's so dominant
we treat it like some family heirloom.

Yet we have really stolen it,
usurped it with so many people
that other forms of life have little room.

The elephant is human population
and it's not enough to slow its growth;
we urgently need to reduce it - and soon !

Why aren't all the world's governments
keenly promoting birth control
with free contraceptive pills and condoms?

Will it need wars or worldwide plagues
to cull our rampant humanity?
Perhaps over-using antibiotics is a boon

for all the Earth's non-human life
if a global pandemic decimates
mankind one minute before high noon.

Is human misery on such  scale
the ultimate price we'll have to pay
to enable a healthier planet to bloom?

Otherwise there'll be no room
for that ostracised elephant in the room.

Saturday, 2 October 2021

How many mistakes do I make in a day?
I tried to keep count but lost my way.
Perhaps a calculator could say
with integral calculus showing the way

Sunday, 29 August 2021

Brief (allotment) Encounter

"My word, you've got a lot of weeds"
she said. Cheeky so-and-so !
"Of course" I said "I grow them for compost.
Everyone here does. Didn't you know?"
"Oh" she muttered. Exit deflated lady.
(Well, only a little lie as lies go)

Friday, 6 August 2021

Young women filled the tiny dance floor
rocking and rolling to the beat,
beauty shining with more and more
smiles and laughter on rhythmic feet.

But strange that none of them have men
hovering by, coming and going.
Too many surely for a hen party,
bridal sash and maids not showing.

And then it hit me - the entrance quids,
a charity name discreetly labelled !
Their men are home looking after the kids
at least one of whom will be disabled.

So now the scene becomes much darker.
The women here must all be plucky,
dealing with problems in a life much starker -
the yummy mummies who birthed unlucky.
When those expensive garden centre flowers
have flourished, bloomed, shrivelled and died,
self-sown hollyhocks, nasturtiums,
marigolds have survived.

Tuesday, 13 July 2021

We pride ourselves on our standards of hygiene
and every housewife's cleanliness
yet how much of that is not for health
but rather 'civilised' squeamishness ?

Tuesday, 6 July 2021

Tweets 5

Enjoyment accompanies an event.
Satisfaction comes later.
The song before the singer
Pub bands are better to listen and dance to
than top bands or, even worse, tribute bands.
They play the best of everyone's music
not just their own, ignoring the mediocre.

Rapist and muderer
Does he deserve to be housed and fed
for several decades at public expense?
Of course not. He should be executed.
Why are we as a nation so bloody dense?

The drug war should be extended wider
for TV, brands and social media.

Coming soon, tickets at great expense,
a top band's visual effects show
(with accompanying background music).

The dew's on the grass.
The summer is past.

Where is the justice?
A murderer served 33 years of restricted life.
His two teenage victims lost between them
130 years of no life at all.

I certainly don't want penury
but equally don't crave luxury.

Blackberrying - a lesson for life.
It's always the biggest and juiciest berries
that fall in the brambles before you can pick them

Out On A Limb
Diseased, decaying, putrid blued ?
Nothing unhealthy, just tatooed !

Olympic Medal Tally Positions
Over-rating just the gold
or over-rating total medals
surely could be better told
by using points for different colours -
3 for gold, then 2, then 1
with positions according to the sum.

Olympic  Anomaly
Tje losing semi-finalists in every sport
compete for one to win the bronze.
In every sport that is but one !
Why does boxing give a bronze
to both of those losers that fought ?

Olympic Hangover
We've banned from circusses
all animal performances
but the horsey coteries
still have their dressages.

A novelist builds houses.
A poet crafts jewels.

So what was so special that Freud discovered ?
That young boys fantasise fucking their mothers !

Male  Unmentionables
What is he thinking while she's sucking ?
What fantasising when he's fucking ?