Wednesday, 20 November 2019

I don't answer women that ask my age
vainly hoping they'll think me younger
and most times they're unable to gauge
it accurately in my favour.

I'm not so coy when it's men that ask
though the chances of that are slight
so it was annoying when, given the task,
one guessed it almost exactly right.

And lately things get even worse
with one woman thinking that I'm older
by several years than I really am -
so perhaps I should have actually told her.

My wrinkles are an obvious burden
so maybe I ought to don disguise
or find some helpful plastic surgeon
and pay him to debag my eyes.

Friday, 18 October 2019

The singer was good doing Elton John
but I couldn't stop watching the keyboard player.
Seated in front of him, eyes dead level
with his chubby fingers as he played,
crustacean-like his hands crabbed sideways,
scuttling to and fro, left and right
as if always seeking some tastier note.

Friday, 11 October 2019

Don't travel the world to see the sights
made famous from iconic photos
for when you get to the actual places,
either they look just as you expected
or more likely they're not as good.
The cameraman who took the photo
had the skill to judge the angle,
catch the quality of the light,
select the appropriate exposure
to create that competition winner.
But you, dear traveller, take pot luck
on season, weather, time of day.
We all know the need for novelty,
for something new not too far ahead
to work and plan for but try to resist
the insistence of image, obsession of idea.
And if you just want to say you've been there,
trying to impress your friends  -
it's a bit sad  !

Friday, 4 October 2019

I hate my ancestors, and parents,
for the features of my face:
the nose too long, the mouth too big,
the ears stuck out in space.

I try to make myself attractive
but the boys still pass me by.
My friends are all much prettier.
Oh God, I want to cry !

I do my very best with make-up,
perfume, all the latest gear.
I try to keep my weight in check
and spend a fortune on my hair.

But what's the good when I'm still cursed
by my unlucky family look.
Deep down I've almost given up,
for all the pains I've took.

If only I had cash enough
for plastic surgery, I'd find
someone to re-shape my face
and cut despair out of my mind.

Monday, 30 September 2019

Three steps to write a poem:
first have a new idea;
then some repeating rhythm;
last, make some rhymes appear.

Sunday, 22 September 2019

It happens so often - I say to myself
I'm just too tired to go to the gym.
But then I think - it's good for my health
I ought to go just to keep slim.
So I make the effort and after the session
whatever hormones it is kick in
and I'm pleased that I fulfilled the mission
with aching but envigoured limbs.
It doesn't matter it's not a full hour.
What's exercised most is weak willpower.

Sunday, 25 August 2019

If we are only ships that in the dark night pass,
that find each other for a while and then are cast
by wind and currents each on a different tack
drifting too far to ever steer our courses back,
then know I fly your name upon the mast
and carry your memory with me to the last.