from a big flowerpot in my back garden.
Coiled they were, like short fat juicy caterpillars.
I put them out on the lawn as food for whatever
and noticed a magpie several times fill its beak
and fly off presumably to feed its young.
A few days later I dug up several more
and again put them out as food for whoever.
And again a magpie took full advantage.
Lately I haven't found any more but now
repeatedly I see a magpie patrolling my lawn.
It walks a few slow steps then stops to inspect
a patch of grass or probe it with its beak.
Nothing. A few more steps. Another inspection.
Nothing. Sometimes it seems to stare at me
through the French doors and I can almost feel
its disappointment, frustration, annoyance, anger.
Do you know anywhere I can buy may bugs?